Vote For My Elky


Vote for my El Camino in the Texaco Car of the Decades contest. I'm entered in the 1986-1999 class and I think I have a good shot but I'll need everyone's help. The car is at

You may have to register first to vote but once back at the page there'll be a drop down menu under the description text with 10 as the highest score... of course pick 10 and submit.

I think you can only vote once so everyone vote please! :wave:
Ok, voted... :D

I also had to vote for the MK7... :rolleyes:

You gotta get more people to vote Leo...
What a pain in the butt!

I registered, went to vote and a Volkswagon appeared, I couldn't find your car.

Screw it.
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billcu said:
What a pain in the butt!

I registered, went to vote and a Volkswagon appeared, I couldn't find your car.

Screw it.

Search under 86-99 class and filter for Chevies.

I know it's hard, but you can do it! :D
Today 10/27 is the last day for voting. My El Camino is in 4th place and only 43 points out of 3rd, that's only 5 voters giving 10 points. If you haven't voted yet please do! If you have but have a different email to use other than the one you originally voted with you can make an additional vote that way.

Ok, you and the MK7 have now gotten 50 points from me, and I am out of e-mail addresses... :p
I finished in 2nd place! They haven't announced winners yet because they have to verify the votes of the winners so if the 1st place car is found to have loaded the votes somehow then I move up. They sent me an email saying all mine are OK but are still checking the 1st place winner. We'll know soon.