went fishing tonight, didnt mean to catch this!!


well didnt actually catch this guy, but could have touched him!!! we were on the dock at the end of my street, we went to catch some cat fish, but i think my lattern made this little guy come see what we were, to top it all off, something just about snapped my pole, it was a huge turtle, he had to be close to 30 lbs and his shell was over 2 feet in diameter. didnt catch any fish, but this was our special guest for the evening.
he was around the 5 foot mark and probably weighed about 100 lbs +
we gave him a couple shrimp so he would stay long enough for my wife to run down to where we were and give me the camera. i actually layed down on the dock and hung over the side to get as close as i could. yeah i know, idiot, thats ok i'm not scared!!!


Turtles and Gators are always fun to catch. When I used to fish for gar we could leave a live brim on the line and would often catch a turtle.
When I worked in FL, we used to antagonize the local gators all the time.

Until we saw one get up and run! :eek:

I'm just glad it decided to run AWAY from us!!
Nice catch!

If you wanted to, could you have cleaned and eaten it or are they still protected?
no way man if they want to , they can haul arse in short runs. specially the smaller ones like this guy, they'll suprise you for sure, specially if you CANT run lol.