Which do I choose

RE: Which do I choose

Well, if you go down Bangher, the road gets dangerous. The side streets like: Callme Drive, Spendmoney Avenue and dealwithmyattitude Lane can throw you off when your just out on a Sunday drive. The biggest problem lies when Bangher dead ends into Impregnant Way Court . Hopefully, you'll see the large sign, usually covered with camoflage, right before Impregnant Way Court...that's Leever. You can only go right here. Leever has it's own side streets, but not near as bad. It's only depressing for the first couple of miles. Just make sure you DON"T pass Imonlyrighthanded Blvd! If you do, circle around and get back on Bangher. When I was younger I knew that neighborhood well. Any questions, just ask!