WTB Driver side door handle Pearl

Dave 88 LSC

Hello, my door handle broke and I am trying to locate a pearl Ivory door handle.

Also, does anyone have pointers how to remove those rods attached to the door handle. I didnt want to break anything and left it in place until I got better instructions.
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I'm selling some if you don't find a pearlesent one. You remove the rod by unclipping it from the latch and then pull the handle out with the rod attached. Then swap the rod to the new handle and re-install.
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I'm selling some if you don't find a pearlesent one. You remove the rod by unclipping it from the latch and then pull the handle out with the rod attached. Then swap the rod to the new handle and re-install.

Thank you. I found a Perl one its on its way.

SO the rod unclips from the bottom by the locking mechanism, what about the door lock cylinder and the rod going to that.?

I would actually pay some body shop to install it, but I am afraid they would break something and I would end up with a car that doesnt lock or some crap like that. IN they end they always say, sorry car is too old, parts obsolete.

Thank You.
That one I use a long flat head to pry the rod out AFTER I remove the nuts and the handle is loose. You can also use the same trick from inside the door but its hard to see.

Stick the screw driver in the entrance of the clip and twist. This opens the barbs and then just push the rod out. Installing both is easy, just push them into place.