3' X 2' litho of "93 with plain black frame


New member
hanging on dealer's wall. The dealer said he'd sell it to me for $125. I was hoping he'd GIVE it to me since it's so old but maybe that makes it more expensive. Can these photos be purchased at swap meets for five bucks?


New member
Of course the dealer tried to sell it to you. That's what salespeople do, sell stuff :) I bet he figured since you asked about it, that means you're interested in it, and if you're interested, you'd probably be willing to pay for it. I don't know what particular pic you're talking about, but $125 sure sounds mighty steep.

You try searching the auction site? Stuff like that is always floating around there.

[font color = blue]Tony - St. Louis, MO[/font]
1998 LSC - Toreador Red/Light Graphite
1987 Mustang GT - Oxford White hatchback


New member
Steep. That's what I was thinking. I know zero about art but it looks like a cross between a photo and a painting, so I call it a litho :) It's very large and would look great on my bedroom wall but a $5 one would look way better. Thanks for the tip!

Pauls dropped 8

New member
u should ask sandy about it. he'd probably give u the artists phone # or some bit of trivia youd have never guessed about it. hell, maybe he knows of where to get a few.


New member
I've got a new Sanyo PCS phone with built-in camera. I could take a snapshot of it and email it to someone who knows how to post it on here. Unless somebody's got a better idea.


New member
How much do you want to bet it's a simple poster that was sent out free to dealers and this dealer is trying to take advantage?


New member
It's large enuff to have been a poster. You're probably right. I sent 2 pix to Sandy this afternoon. Maybe he'll post 'em. I'll send 'em to anybody else who'll provide their addy.


New member
What?! Is everyone SHOCKED and AWED? :) I couldn't read the signature in the lower right corner either but the dealer claims it says 'Picasso'.


New member
I'm an idiot and I admit it freely. I should've said gen1 instead of 1993. SomeDAY I'll be as good as yous guys. I'm guessing you know the year by the WHEELS. So what would the wheels make it? A 1996?


El Presidente
RE: 3' X 2' litho of

Send an email to LCCJerry@aol.com or jerry@crazyjerry.com describing your wants, i.e., brochures, posters, etc... - I've got a very nice 1993 brochure(same as on LOD page) a year or so ago. I believe I have heard of posters being available, but if there was ever one on auction, I missed it.:(

The wheels look like Conti wheels BTW. We KNOW these things.;) Although the wheels are easily changed, a seasoned Mark VIII enthusiast can identify minuscule characteristics on a vehicle to differentiate the year and model.


New member
RE: 3' X 2' litho of

It just seems odd that someone would go to the trouble of producing a Mark VIII poster and not use an example with Mark VIII wheels.