Mothers Powerball 4 Lights


New member
A few years ago I restored my headlights like many have done, but I finished it off with some high temp clear coat to see if it would last longer. 5 years later they looked terrible. The clear coat had yellowed pretty bad so I decided it was time to do it again, this time without the clear coat. I wet sanded with 800, 1000, then 1500 grit paper and finished it off with the Mothers Powerball 4 lights. This powerball and polish worked great. They almost look brand new again.

The part along the bottom is condensation, I guess because it was cold out when I did it, but its gone now. The only part I didnt get very well was the corner by the grill.


New member

They look great When I did mine I went down to 2000 grit wet A little less polishing. Just keep them waxed often and they stay great.


New member
Thanks guys.

Steve, you make it through Sandy OK? A good friend of mine lives in Newark and was ok.


With "LOD" Since 1997
Thanks guys.

Steve, you make it through Sandy OK? A good friend of mine lives in Newark and was ok.
Lost power for 3 days, had 4 large trees come down and countless branches. none hit the house and no one was hurt so that was good.

I use to live next to Newark.


A few years ago I restored my headlights like many have done, but I finished it off with some high temp clear coat to see if it would last longer. 5 years later they looked terrible. The clear coat had yellowed pretty bad so I decided it was time to do it again, this time without the clear coat. I wet sanded with 800, 1000, then 1500 grit paper and finished it off with the Mothers Powerball 4 lights. This powerball and polish worked great. They almost look brand new again.

The part along the bottom is condensation, I guess because it was cold out when I did it, but its gone now. The only part I didnt get very well was the corner by the grill.

It's fairly easy to remove the housings, and makes them easier to sand. I still think the clear coat was a good idea because that was the part that yellowed and the lens (I'm guessing) was still intact. You can only sand these things so many times.


New member
Yep, just as easy to tape them off and leave them on there. I think maybe if I had waxed the lights once a month or so it would have held up better?