workin on this 93, cant get rear to bleed


New member
ive got a pressure bleeder on it with over 10 psi, tried with key on and key off, i dont even get air out of the new caliper with the bleeder completely removed any ideas? bad abs?


Super Senior Associate
Plugged up new caliper??? Remove the line going INTO the caliper and try it. Is it NEW or REBUILT?


You may have a bad rubber hose, or there is a blockage farther up. Remember, the left front and right rear are on the same circuit.


New member
i was actually thinkin bout the restrictors, maybe crawl under and give it a good smack. yhen start crackin fittings from back to front i guess.


New member
ok, i pulled the hose off the line, no fluid. moved up to the pressure switch on the drivers rear, no fluid. went up to the front, and cracked every line off the manifold in front of the battery, fluid out of all. went back down into the inner fenderwell, cracked the top restrictor, fluid all over, cracked the bottom, not a drop under pressure, but if i let it sit for a minute and watch it gets just a touch out of it under gravity, not enough to drip but just that i can see it. theres no other connections between those restrictors and the abs manifold? i gotta pull the front bumper off it to get at the abs dont i?


El Presidente
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Sounds like the restrictor is blocked or stuck shut.

Which, by the way, I discovered my '93 does not even have restrictors for the rear brakes!
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