a little metal recycling for christmas.


some may know that i am a metal fabricator by trade. i am a certified tig welder but the stuff i do now is ornamental aluminum and steel work, hand forging stuff like that. well i was trying to think of something to do for my parents without spending money because they told me not to, we dont exchange gifts we just have them over to see the kids xmas morning and have dinner at my house every year. so i got an idea last week that i would make them a hand made lamp for their house. they like neat hand made things. so i went to walmart for a basic cheap table lamp, all i needed was the bulb socket and cord, i cut the center pole off the lamp just to keep the top 1 inch and socket threads, and i kept the base of the lamp. the rest is all hand made. its a grape vine with grape clusters and little scroll trindles. the big scrolls you see are actually a 75 year old piece that i was given by a customer we did a job for, it was hanging on their wall as a decoration but they didnt want it anymore, its steel tube but looks like grape vine bark does, i cut the whole thing up in a band saw and recycled it. the 3 legs to the lamp i heated and bent by hand. i think it came out really neat, and my parents will love it. its painted a hammered black paint and i got a lamp shade i think flows real good with it. check it out, this was fun to make. took a few hours on saturday and cost me 11 bucks for the lamp and shade! its about 30 inches tall.
