At my age & I now have a teenager at home

Last Mrk

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I bought my Mark 13 years ago today. July 31, 1998. I'll have to take it for a 135 mile ride today so it can turn over to 100,000 miles. :)
Thats awesome. I also celebrated a milestone this month. July 17th was 20years to the day, that I picked up my 91 Mustang GT.
Going for a Sunday drive in your Lincoln???

Try to drive the speed limit, and turn off your left blinker!!!!

Seriously, congratulations and enjoy! There are much worse ways to spend a Sunday afternoon!
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Yes, yes you do, albeit I can confirm it's more than reputation, it's a fact. :wave:
That and you making me car sick on the way there. I figured hangover and Bud driving wouldn't mix.