AutoEnginuity OBD-II scan software???


Any of you use/have this software? I am looking to buy soime OBD-II software and this looked promising (based on their web site). Any opionions would be appreciated.
RE: AutoEnginuity OBD-II scan software???

I got the software and cable from - it works fine on both my cars. I'm not familiar with the one you mentioned. There's another real popular one out there but the name eludes me right now. But it's also more expensive - I went the budget route...

[|NorCal Chapter Website]
'97 Mark VIII LSC
'96 T-Bird 4.6L
RE: AutoEnginuity OBD-II scan software???

Its great, but i just put down a few bucks on that scanner you use, just to see. The thing i like about autotap the most, i can have about 10-16 engine/drivetrain values displayed in real-time, and record all those values for 1 minute to 12 hours, and then you can replay it, very usefull on the track, and for problems that are intermittant.

It was about 300
RE: AutoEnginuity OBD-II scan software???

AUTOTAP is also around $300 I believe, depending on what package you purchase.