driller nailed it!


was getting exhaust smell in my car w/sun roof open. I put the car on jackstands still could'nt find a leak. today I used a fuel injection cleaning machine with seafoam to clean the intake syst. after letting the car sit 10 min. restarted the eng.(smoked a lot) I noticed some from the eng. compartment. found E.G.R. tube has a small crack. good call driller!
Driller is very smart!

I think I "gave him a hint" in the first post in that thread {JK JP!)

the sun roof being open creates a vacuum inside the car, and if you have an exhaust leak it will/can pull carbon monoxide into the car.

suspect leak area might be the EGR tube? possibly?
Since the EGR tube is in front of the cabin, the vacuum created by the sunroof being open could easily pull exhaust fumes in via the grommets in the drivers side footwell.