I am tired of hearing sirens


I live in Sonoma County, Ca. and if you bother to tune in to the worthless media on TV you may have seen we have some fires around here.
That fact is true.

I was awaken at 4:00am by a cell phone call on Monday 10/9/17. a family member said "the whole town of windsor is on fire....you need to get out"

I got up and opened the curtains....no fire. I went outside for a look at the sky....no fire. No smell either. But it was very windy. My 80 foot oak tree that littered my lawn the day before with a blanket of leaves was creaking and swaying. But where are all the dead leaves? They were piled up against my rout-iron fence like fish in a net.

I turned on the TV and saw what looked like hell. I was shocked to see how bad the fires were 3 miles east of us. The crazy wind was blowing the smoke south, hence no smell.

I tuned in for 30 minutes or so and saw why my family was worried....they had interviewed a lady who was FROM my home town so the bottom of the screen had her name, and where she was from...she was in Santa Rosa, 12 miles south, where the city was taking a huge hit from the fire....she was telling the world "it looks like the whole city is on fire" so when my family saw the city she was from, and heard those words, she put 2 and 2 together and got 5.

I got ready for work and headed north to Cloverdale...25 miles.
It was now 5:30 am. and pitch black out. I could really smell the fires now. The sky was orange. The roads were empty.

In Geyeserville, 12 miles north I could see the hills off in the distance had miles-long orange snakes carving through the trees...snakes of fire lines that is. The smoke made visibility bad.

"what am I doing going to work?" I kept asking myself. The media made no mention of this fire. It was between home and work. "What if I got to work but couldn't get back home?"

Since that morning, I have gone to work every day....they fire in Santa Rosa headed east when the winds died down so the city(downtown) was saved but thousands lost everything.

The neighborhood the news keeps showing called "coffee park" was wiped from the earth. what is amazing is when I bought my home in Dec. 2008, we had looked at and made offers on several homes in Coffee park but settled in Windsor instead. I would have lost everything.



Now, here we are the next weekend....fires continue to spread, the smoke makes it hard to be outside....but the worst part for me is...

...I am tired. I am tired of all the constant flow of emotions regarding the fires....but mostly, I am tired of hearing sirens. They keep me on high alert. The noise doesn't bother me...it's what the noise triggers inside me.
The next siren could be headed to my town as the winds have started up again. as I type this, I look outside at this 6:30am hour passes and see the smoke, and hear nothing but sirens.
But I am safe. My family is safe...
I'm just tired of hearing sirens.