Junk replacement grill!


You'd think they could use better materials to make their parts. I bought this grill from the dealer about three years ago. For $300+ you'd expect better than a crappy piece of plastic.


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welcome to cheap american product! thats why i just grabbed one with bad chrome, and sanded the rest off to paint it black to match my car. screw the chrome!!!!
Remember the age of these parts. Just because you bought it new does not mean it was manufactured that week. Likely it was years ago.
I never thought of it that way. Then they should mark the price way down since it's so old. It is only plastic. I wish there was a place that could coat it again, only better.
It may only be "plastic", but in it's day it was a breakthrough design in materials and finish that could withstand a small impact without damage, yet resemble chrome.
There are companies that specialize in " Rechroming " plastic , generally interior parts for restorations ! Take the time to search for them !

Good Luck,