Let it Snow


Here comes the snow again here in NY. They are saying between 6 and 12 inches for us. I get to play with the Land Rover again. I love this thing in the snow.

Let it snow let it snow
RE: Let it Snow

I'm in lovely Aberdeen, MD this week and we're getting plenty of snow here. Up in MI, snow is also predicted. My lincoln is inside a garage, and my suburban is parked in the garage at the airport.

I'm driving a kia right now, and i've adopted a new driving style. These little FWD crapboxes are interesting. I can just floor it and steer, in this weather. Just let it rev and spin, it ain't going sideways or anything. Fun stuff.

This little POS does have a manumatic shifter though, and decent midrange pep. Overall, i'm quite impressed with the overall feel given the price. Still not a car i'd buy, but definitely a decent little car for an econobox. I think it's an optima though, which i think is close to top of the line for kia. Given that the last thing i drove was a suburban, this thing is fun to drive.
RE: Let it Snow

I am use to driving either the Escape or the Escalade in the snow, but man this Land Rover Discovery is reat in the snow. Acts just like it's on dry pavement.

I really do miss the aceleration of the mark though. This time of year is great for the Discovery, but come summer time I will be really missing the Mark. I have already been looking for a replacement one.

The snow didn't start here until about 10pm. So I will not be able to play with the rover in it until tomorrow morning.
RE: Let it Snow

Already looking for a replacement! lol

i had to drive the lincoln for a couple days when the burban was in the trans shop. It was great to drive, but horrible for the car. I hate subjecting it to this weather, not to mention Detroit roads. The roads seem to be worse this year, since it seems one week we have 20 degree temps and the next week it's 50. the roads suck.

Driving the lincoln for two days in this crap resulted in a cracked windshield. x( . And lots of sideways action :)
RE: Let it Snow

"i've adopted a new driving style. These little FWD crapboxes are interesting. I can just floor it and steer, in this weather. Just let it rev and spin, it ain't going sideways or anything. Fun stuff."

I can truly attest to that. This is the 1st winter with my little econobox Focus SVT sice I traded in the Mark. The floor it and spin is really a fun time. Especially when spinning from 1 thru 4 LOL. I think people have a feeling I am crazy... oh wait maybe they have a point. One of my friends has a kia and it seems pretty sure footed in the snow. I do however long for the nice winter experiances in the Mark. Especially the time I was on a perfectly flat driveway and it was a sheet of ice. I put the mark in reverse not even giving it gas and you guessed it no where just sat and spun. Out of the car put salt under and behind the wheels and then ok. Good thing I used to carry a bag of salt in the trunk. Oh well I do miss the Mark. Someday I will get anoter.
RE: Let it Snow

It looks like we got about 5 inches here in Long Island. It looks wet and heavy. It will be no fun shoveling it.

The good news is no work today.

Board of Directors
Lincolns of Distinction
RE: Let it Snow

My Mark gets me through every storm without issue. I just throw a couple hundred pounds of sand in the trunk, and it's a blast.
RE: Let it Snow

I never really had a problem with the Mark in the snow, but didn't take it out in it to much either.

We got about 7" of snow and the Rover was a beast through it.
RE: Let it Snow

I never really had a problem in the lincoln, with snow tires and weight in the back it did just fine.

But my suburban in 4x4 is a world away from the mark on a snowy day. Not just better acceleration, but more stability and more controllable stopping (not that i ever really had a problem stopping the lincoln). 6000 lbs of truck with almost-new tires (even though they are just all-seasons) just does it better than a RWD car.
RE: Let it Snow

I dont get it...you folks live where it snows...then you talk about it like its some freak of nature.

I am in California...try this on for size:

"man, i cant believe it...its 85 degrees again today with almost 25% humidity...looks like I better get the sunglasses out of storage again. sheesh."

enjoy the white stuff folks...I'll take my occaisional earth quake over shoveling snow anyday! (drive safe)

Club 16 President/Founder
94 Black/Black M8
97 Toreador red/Lt. graphite LSC M8
V.P. GGM8​
RE: Let it Snow

Yeah it snows here and the whole point of my post was that i can go out and play with my toy the Land Rover. I personally love the snow, also this is a record for this area. This is the first time for 3 years straight we have had 40" or more snow total.

Today I did realize one thing, as I get older each year I hate shoveling more and more. So next year it looks like I will be going out and buying a snow blower.

Man if I lived out by you Craig i would be out on the golf course all the time.
RE: Let it Snow

Damn, i'm 25 and if it came down to it, i'd be buying a snowblower long before buying a shovel. At least with any decent snow. 3" can be shoveled, 6" gives young, fit men heart attacks (like my 39 yo coworker). I bought a 4 wheeler with a plow this year, though. Not quite as effective as a snowblower, but more fun.
RE: Let it Snow

I am 29 will be 30 this summer and have been shoveling snow from when I was like 11 for my parents and then for myself. I have shoveled snow from storms with 12+" The key is go out and shovel a few times during the big storms.
RE: Let it Snow

[div class="dcquote"][strong]Quote[/strong]
Damn, i'm 25

WOW...25 yrs old, and President of a national car club. learn something new everyday.

damn nice car you have too.

BTW, I am 65 yrs old, have lived in the eastern part of canada, and didnt mind the snow one bit...of course, I wasnt old enough to drive a car yet, so I had to walk...2 miles to school and back, uphill BOTH ways(this is actually true since there were 2 different campuses at my Military school, and they were 1/2 mile apart, so I DID walk uphill to school, and up hill from school)

Club 16 President/Founder
94 Black/Black M8
97 Toreador red/Lt. graphite LSC M8
V.P. GGM8​
RE: Let it Snow

[div class="dcquote"][strong]Quote[/strong]
Craig - if you're 65 years old

OOOOPS! heh heh...slight correction...35 yrs old.

65...thats funny.

Club 16 President/Founder
94 Black/Black M8
97 Toreador red/Lt. graphite LSC M8
V.P. GGM8​