loud horn?

Mike P

Staff member
Paid Member
I'd like to purchase a loud air horn that wouldn't require much in the way of power past what I have stock ( I want to wire it to current wires but get louder response), this is not for my Mark but for a beater car I drive to work and back. I get so annoyed at other bad drivers that I want to startle them with a nice loud air horn, any good suggestions? I don't want to build a pump in my trunk so.....
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I know you can buy electrical horns at Napa that have the db listed on the package. They can probably tell you what yours are also.
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Marked_Man said:
Mike,you're a cop....Just wire in a siren.:D That WILL get their attention.

Lol I should but I want something obnoxiously loud
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Roadboss said:
Jesse will let you listen to one he had on the Shark!!

Those will be on the new Lincoln btw. :)
whistle-tips, and a train horn - Just to be sure..

//they go "woo-woo!"
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First video is pretty gay. Mine are deeper sounding than that huge trucks are!