My 96 DA IMRC problem


Well I guess I can join the club. Another 96 Mark with a defective IMRC. I've been following the other recent threads on IMRC problems, hoping to not have the same issue but last week I got a CEL. I checked the codes and got a P1537. I checked for movement and they both moved freely so I put the Mityvac on them and found one that won't hold vacuum.

After looking at the pics provided by Roadboss in dbcooper's thread, I would agree that there has to be something out there that uses a diaphragm similar to our application. So tonight a Google search of rubber diaphragms led to several companies that deal in these products.

If someone has one of these actuators taken apart we may be able to match up the dimensions of our diaphragm to one of their products. Of course, we would still have to deal with the reassembly issues but that's what they make JB Weld for.

I checked out this site but there are others.
I still have those old units in a box and I would send to some one who wants to use them for an investigation on a repair procedure. I already purchased another used set I am keeping for spares, but there is no guarantee how good they are. I just don't have the push to take on the challenge.
Thanks for the reply. I really like my Mark and would like to keep it on the road until it becomes unrepairable. I've let parts from a couple 96 salvage cars get away before I knew better, so I know that finding a good used set would be tough. I'll take you up on your generous offer. I still need to contact the manufacturer to see if this small project is feasible. If it is, I'll let you know.
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So you're saying that I should go snag the IMRC's off that 96 LSC in the parts place by my house?
But I think with the '96 cars, coming up with a procedure to replace the diaphragm may be the best solution.