Note from J


Got this message from Jesse yesterday....he misses us, me thinks!

Things are great over on this side of the planet. I've been working
my Butt (edited by Bud) off to pay off all my debt and save up for a Hawaii trip in
September. My internet is so slow that I don't even get online to do
anything but check my email, buy stuff on Amazon, or find a phone
number. Its soooo lame and the opposite of how it used to be. :D I'm
trying to find something faster than this damn satelight for out here
in the sticks but I'm not having any luck. :( I hope things are good
over there and on LOD. I definitally miss hanging out! Anything new

Take care!
he can't be that busy, Ponch and John were always out on the town, wtf?
Hey, J, maybe you can email Max, and have him write everything you want to say. ;)


(inside joke)

ok, seriously...I know he moved to Santa Cruz a few months ago...where is he now(he said other side of the planet, so could STILL be Santa Cruz)
Ya gotta know J....... Yes Max, he is still in Santa Cruz....better know as the end of the (internet) world! LOL
Man,I wish I was in Santa Cruz,at the beach looking at the bikini's drinking a Corona====Oh wait what were we talking about?:rolleyes:
OH man....didn't even know this thread was here Bud. Thanks for keeping everyone in the loop. :D