Pics of the first GGM8 gathering


Here are a few pics of the first Golden Gate Mark 8 gathering on Sept.20, 2003. We were only a group of 7, but it was a blast anyway. We started in the Sonoma County area, and drove down the Pacific Coast Highway to Santa Cruz, meeting up with the rest of the group along the way. There was quite a variety of cars, as you will see. It was great fun. We will be hooking up again on Oct 18,2003, for any bay area, Ca Mark VIII owners who are interested. Private message me for details about our new Northern California Mark VIII club.. a.k.a. G.G.M.8. Enjoy!

94 Black/Black Mark VIII
95 Champagne/Saddle Mark VIII
RE: Pics of the first GGM8 gathering

Hey they're not all black! haha ;)

Looks like you had a nice turn out, good pics..... got any more? :)
RE: Pics of the first GGM8 gathering

Present in the top and middle pics from left to right are Scott (avu3), John (johnaec), Craig (BlackIceLSC), Lance (levoc), Max (maxmk8), and Stanley (mrrobertstv). In addition, at the far left in the bottom photo is Hurley (workoutman), who had to leave early.

'97 Mark VIII LSC
'96 T-Bird 4.6L
RE: Pics of the first GGM8 gathering

thanks for the names with cars, John.

And the orange one in the top pic, far right, should really be sensor lowered. ;-) j/k Party crasher Aztec, huh?
RE: Pics of the first GGM8 gathering

I do have more pics. There are just other views of the same images... some nice.. some not so good. Thanks for the complements guys. This club is growing fast, so if you live in the bay area, and drive/own a Mark VIII, we want you. Like Stanley said to us: This is what owning these cars is all about, showing them off. They are wonderful to drive, and there is no better feeling than that ever present "thumbs up" from other people when you drive them. So, Bay Area Mark VIII onwers.... lets get this show on the road. We are very fortunate to be blessed with year round driving weather here in the bay Area, so we plan on meeting often in all sorts of interesting places. Got a Mark? Want to meet other Mark owners? PM me or Stanley, and we'll take it from there.
GGM8 founding member
94 Black/Black M8
95 Champagne/Saddle M8
RE: Pics of the first GGM8 gathering

...nice pics craig...glad to see you made it over to this site...enjoy
RE: Pics of the first GGM8 gathering

Nice to see the North Cal guys finally getting a chance to get together. Thanks for sharing the pics.
RE: Pics of the first GGM8 gathering

Took a look at your website very nice ride.... however you need help!

Thank you. Yeah, I do, I haven't updated the site in quite a while, and she's getting anxious for another photo shoot. ;-)
RE: Pics of the first GGM8 gathering

Great pics. I love to see what members look like.