Why wait in line and lose time that you could be spending on grounds enjoying the event? Register today via Gate-N-Go to save 10%.
When you Gate-N-Go, we'll send you all applicable paperwork in advance. This way, you can affix your window sticker at home and drive right onto the grounds and immediately begin having a great time.
Even if you miss the 10% savings and Gate-N-Go deadline, you can still pre-register. Pre-registration remains available until show week. When you pre-register, you cruise up to the Showfield Registration office, bypass one line, pick up your packet and return to your car. Place the registration on your window and you and your guest can cruise onsite with minimal delay.
After the May 4th Gate-N-Go Deadline is up, the only price for registration is full price. Why pay full price when you pay a discounted rate AND have your materials mailed to you in advance. Register TODAY and save!