Regional Southeast MN12 Meet (November)



Hey Guys

I'm JamesD from TCCoA

As some of you may know, we have tried to hold MN12Nationals for several years, but this year looks bleak. Since this year may not happen as planned, many of us would still like to get together, not during labor day weekend, but rather sometime in november.

Twas rumored that SSHS4 was the final battle and will possibly not be held again, so parties from NC, FL, and GA have decided that Atlanta dragway is the most central location to hold the event

more information available at the above link. to sum it up, we are trying to rent the track for the day, so day of drag, nite of doin what the TCCoA Fl chapter does best, and eat/drink.

let us know.. we know you Lincolns are brethren, and would be more than welcome.. especially the Mark8s

FL Chapter Director, TCCoA
RE: Regional Southeast MN12 Meet (November)


then i guess we will probably just gather there then.. again heheheh