Sharon surgery update

Yes, J, they let me go yesterday afternoon! Sorry about that. I'm not on the computer much - kinda uncomfortable and I'm still on painkillers and expect to be for a while and I'm just tired, oh so tired. It was supposed to be a same day surgery, initially. I have a follow-up appointment with my doc this Wednesday to I think get my staples out and to discuss the trip to Carlisle (yes, she knew/knows about the trip and how important it is to me). I do, however, miss my morphine drip. ;)

It was kinda frustrating being in the hospital and being unprepared, as I didn't have a phone card to make phone calls from the hospital, didn't have my cell phone, didn't have anyone's phone numbers, etc. I had nothing on me at all actually, just the clothes I came in with. Hubby had to run back and forth to take care of me and the pets and bring me stuff, and the kid was at a convention for the entire weekend. And when he'd show me the laptop to use I'd get frustrated cause everything looked blurry and I got tired quickly.

At least we had the nice dinner and drinks with Scott the night before. :) But really, it's so nice to come back and see how much people care. Except the spammers who won't give us a break.
Just rest matter how much you WANT to do things , don't!! Please rest and let your body heal....then kick up your heels. We want you here too, but we can wait!! Just get well!
Glad you're out of the hospital, and wish you a speedy recovery. Always better to be at home instead of cooped up in the hospital. Have a great week end !!
A bit late posting on the subject here, but I hope things are going well! I hope you can still come to Carlisle - really looking forward to seeing you there!