So. Cal MK VIII Clubs?


Are there any So. California MK VIII clubs out there, preferrably in the Los Angeles area? Please advise. Thanks.

Marlon W.
RE: So. Cal MK VIII Clubs?

You are welcome to organize a chapter. We will give you recognition.

Lincolns of Distinction
RE: So. Cal MK VIII Clubs?

[div class="dcquote"][strong]Quote[/strong]
You are welcome to organize a chapter. We will give you recognition.AlexanderPresidentLincolns of Distinction

Sounds like a "tall" order. Worth considering although I could probably use some help. Any volunteers?
RE: So. Cal MK VIII Clubs?

I'm in San Dimas. There are a few marks around here but I've only run into one member but I don't see him on the list of members anymore.
RE: So. Cal MK VIII Clubs?

I am amazed that there are so few So. Cal members, especially since we probably have more MK 8's here than in any other part of the country! I wonder how you go about starting a chapter out here? Do you need to have a certain number of members, or will 1 or 2 Mk's do the job?
RE: So. Cal MK VIII Clubs?

First all members would need to be paid members of LOD, next you need 7 members to form a chapter. After you get enough people you'll need to have it brought up to the BOD and they vote to approve or not to approve the chapter. I think that's the basics. If I am wrong or left something out fill me in guys.