Southeast Michigan Downriver Cruise 07


Head Moderator
Staff member
This cruise officially starts Saturday June 30, this year. As jbird97 pointed out though, people usually start cruising the Wednesday before.

It's down Fort street, from Lincoln Park to Trenton, Michigan, just south of Detroit.

It's a great cruise, not as big as the Woodward cruise, but it doesn't have the traffic and parking hassles that keep me from attending the Woodward cruise.

I'll be based at my sister's house again this year and everyone is welcome to stop by. She lives on a side street off of Fort street with plenty of free parking.

Feel free to send me a PM and I'll give the directions and we could set up some times for everyone to meet up.

If not, just look for me in a green 94 Mark VIII or an orange 78 MGB convertible.:D

Here's a random photo (with a Lincoln) from last year's cruise:


Here's my sister's house:

i will definately be out, ive been out after work the past couple nights, tonight (friday) really started all the fun, ill be out for sure, look for a black lsc, license plate says lscfn10, id pm for directions but theres gonna be so much goin on that i really dont know what ill be doing

btw thursday night there was a nice white gen 1 out, anyone on here?
If you can, drive to the Lincoln dealership at Fort street and Pennsylvania. There will be a lot of old Lincolns and Barry will have his 56 Mark II convertible there between 3 and 6 PM Saturday.

My friend Darrell will be there with his Mark VIII convertible too.:)
ahh i wish i had seen this before i left today, i got up, washed the car and ran out the door, i drove by and saw the two m8s in the lot and thought it might be urs, then the second time by is when u waved, by time i got back around u were gone, oh well, theres always next meet, and next year
Sorry I missed you Jbird. You could have just turned right on Trenton road and pulled into the lot with us.

We were there from 3:00 and left around 5:30.

I just got back from camping, and I'll post up some photos that I took soon.