

Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 6! The event apparently made it to the Atlanta Dragway calendar! :wave022: Check out last year's event on the SSHS9 web site, if you want to read up about the event. There should be a web site up for pre-registration soon.

Atlanta Dragway Calendar
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Cool! :)

I may be attending a trade show in Atlanta the 2nd through the 4th, so I may be able to tie the two events together. ;)
Hmmm... What's that smell? It smell's like a potential pre-SSHS10 Mark VIII back yard BBQ if time allows you, JP! :)
Looks like Thursday before the shootout is the best day for the BBQ. :) I already booked my room in Commerce, so all I need now is for Aric to do his thing on the car. :)
Hope you can make it, Joe.

Well, I am ready for the shootout, even though The Mark is at Arics getting fixed again. Hotel reservations have been made, and I went and purchased a AARP roadside insurance policy that includes a 100 mile tow, so at least I can have the car towed home now since Aric will not be at the shootout this year.

I will probably bring the SL along, and depending on what kind of mood The Mark is in, I might just race the little car instead, as a plan B.

lol, it is a 4000+ pound rear drive car you know... ;) Complete with a roll bar :) I really have the bug this year, since I did not get to race last year due to a belt failure.

Make sure if you are attending to post your ride info on the SSHS10 web site! Click here to post your info! We need everyone to post up and represent the Mark VIII community! :)
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While I would love to go, and had a GREAT time last year, I don't think we can make it this year. :(
if there was a west coast equiv, I'd lop the CVPI in to the mix.
But 3k miles for a drag race is just too far for me.

have fun, and UPDATES...Facebook works well from drag race events!
It would be cool if you could make it one of these years. There are guys that fly in to this event and do the "rental racer" thing.

lol I have a htc hero phone, and posting on fb is a real challenge for me with that tiny on screen keyboard. I would have to bring my lap top and tether the laptop to the phone to post any good stuff. I just might have to do that... :)
One month to go...

How you racer's doing? Here's a couple videos of what I've been up to :) See you next month in the lanes! :)

I picked up a set of drag radials from Scott (thanks Mike!) and I plan to be there! :D

It's gonna be a cold one! Brrrrrr... LOL