After being so successful last week, I as well as other members of my police dept. will be at Walmart on a donation drive. As people enter the store we hand them a list of items needed to send in a care package for the troops. It includes things like pantyhose to cover their weapon and baby wipes to bathe with. We will also be accepting donations to help pay the shipping costs. We will be at the Walmart on U.S.19 just north of Gandy in Pinellas Park. I will be there from 12:00 pm until 8:00 pm on sunday.
This is a great cause, and you can be sure that evey penny you give will got strait to the troops. If any of you should stop by, I will be the one in the blue uniform. Just kidding. I will be wearing a gray shirt that says swat team hostage negotiator. Hope to see some of you there.
This is a great cause, and you can be sure that evey penny you give will got strait to the troops. If any of you should stop by, I will be the one in the blue uniform. Just kidding. I will be wearing a gray shirt that says swat team hostage negotiator. Hope to see some of you there.