Whohooo! We have a board!!!


...and I am the first one to post! LOL!

But not to make this a post just to have posted something a question: Where do I send pics for the photo's of the member rides on the chapter message board?

Thanks for the info already in advance,

P.S.: I dont know who works on the chapter webpage, but if there ever is a need for help with the page, let me know!
RE: Whohooo! We have a board!!!

P.S.: I dont know who works on the chapter webpage, but if there ever is a need for help with the page, let me know!

Marcus, have you seen the credentials for your webmasters? I think help would be much appreciated by them. ;-)

Congrats guys!

I want one now too!
RE: Whohooo! We have a board!!!

thanks Frank, Joe & everyone else responsible for getting this done. Nice job guys!!!
RE: Whohooo! We have a board!!!

Which credentials, Trixie??? Am I just blind, or stupid??? LOL!

Thanks, Marcus ;-)
RE: Whohooo! We have a board!!!

I think she is saying Joe and I are the blind stupid ones Marcus... I have the info for our new website but don't have the time to do anything with it right now. If you would like to have at it let me know. Thanks guys for getting the chapter forum up! Another reason the LOD is number ONE!!!
RE: Whohooo! We have a board!!!

Hey Frank!

Well, if you need help with the webpage, I sure would help out on it. I can't promise to get a whole site done overnight, but if you want me to, I can start to work on something and you can take a look at a "preview" on my server, and we take it from there!

Let me know!

RE: Whohooo! We have a board!!!

That's just it Marcus. I don't think there are any credentials. ;-)

But for two computer-challenged guys, they still did a great job. :) I am just guessing that they won't mind any offers of help.

And Frank - blind, maybe, but stupid... never.
RE: Whohooo! We have a board!!!

Hold on Trixie... I make my living from what I know about computers so they do not challenge me. In fact I just finished building a test lab for Windows 2003 server in my basement but after working between 12 to 16 hours a day I don't have a lot of time to devote to building a web site and your right web design is not my strong point. I'd much rather tear into the server it's running on then design the web pages themselves.
RE: Whohooo! We have a board!!!

Hehehe, well, if you give me the choice between coding HTML and diggin into that server, Frank, I dig with you! ;-)

RE: Whohooo! We have a board!!!

Sorry about that Frank! I just remember laughing with Sax about it when you guys were setting it up. OK, so one computer challenged guy, and one busy guy. :)

And trust me, whatever you guys have done is WAY better than I could do myself. ;-)