Something knocking inside my valve cover!

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Get a stethoscope before you start ripping things apart.
This car may end up on craigslist by the end of the day. I love the car, but I don't have the time/money/patience/ambition/knowlege to fix it. I may get something else to drive daily, and keep it as a project.
Is there anything under the intake that could make a knocking sound?
I suck at diagnosing things. I can take stuff apart, and fix it, but diagnostics has hever been my thing.

Beautiful car, just runs like crap.
Ahahah there's your problem! I bet when you pull the rocker cover you will. :( If it's the passenger side it's easy to fix, especially if it's just a broken valve spring.
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Oh ya...this is true. Buuuuttt....he won't find out until he goes to pull the cover that all the bolts will break off and the intake tube will break into 4 pieces. :eek: Haha!
i think it's coming from the driver's side. i cant hear it that well, im terrible at things like this. i had the intake tube off a few weeks ago replacing the wires. i'm not sure if or when i'm going to be tearing this apart. i want to keep it, but like i said earlier, i don't think i have it in me to fix it. i love the car, i've had it for 6 years, but it may have reached the point where it's beyond my ability. i need a daily driver, but i am broke. probably end up on my motorcycle every day.
I will repeat J's comment -- "STETHASCOPE!!!! It's only like 8 bucks!" At least you'll be able to find WHERE it's at!
I will probably grab a stethescope. I did try the old extension on up to my ear trick. Still not getting it.