Another Hornblasters Train Horn Installation.


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Well that is the plan, the issue with tapping into the stock valves would be the small line size. I'll be adding aftermarket valves and 1/2" line. I'm sure I could rig something up but functionability would be tough.
I wanna see a write up of this once you're back from your ban


New member
old thread but i want to install these on my car ! my dad said he had them on his car awhile back before i was born and i said i want them lol. he used to install car radios, alarms, stereos, horns - anything, so im going to see when we can do it. J i bet you love using the horn when people cut you off lol


Head Moderator
I'd like to use it for cell phone talkers driving slow or sitting at green lights.

Let the person on the other phone know that they're talking to an idiot.:D

Ford nut

New member
Wirelessly posted (LOUD NOISES!: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

Well that is the plan, the issue with tapping into the stock valves would be the small line size. I'll be adding aftermarket valves and 1/2" line. I'm sure I could rig something up but functionability would be tough.
So are you going to drill and tap your stock bags?
Kyle did this correct??

If yes what valves are you going with?
Eddies new front strut are made with 1/2 ... he necked it down to stock size, or I should say the new strut Bill gets to prove out. :)


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Sorry I've been away for a bit working and sick. :( I plan on buying some 1/2" valves on eBay...whatever brand.

I'm going to use some stock bags I have laying around. Going to install the back ones first and test them before doing the fronts.

I'll def. do a write up but it will pretty much be the same as Kyles.


I make stuff
I believe it's "Kale".

Am I wrong?

Anyway, I "Googled" the part number that he listed in that write-up for the 3/8" valves and immediately found a website selling them for $30 each. They even had "8-pack" for $200. They also had 1/2" valves for a little bit more.

I haven't looked on eBay yet, but I thought that was really good price. I'm on my phone right now, otherwise I'd post the link up for you...


Yeah eBay has some good package deals. Kale is right but I was influenced by Tim? (that green slammed one?).

Ford nut

New member
Didn't know who's car or mod that was.
Just a dumb guess.
It never crossed my feeble brain to google those part numbers.


RAY!!! Ya that's it...I posted a thread on it awhile ago and they said the green one is now white and with Rays brother.


I make stuff
Nah, not sure where the white one ended up, but his brother doesn't have it. His brother has Barney, the purple one he was working on.