Chi Town meet - July 29th-31st, 2016


Lincoln Evangelist

I've updated the first post in this thread with the attendee list, including Chris. Easier than tracking it down in the middle of the thread...

Also - Beerdog - I did a little beer shopping the other day. I don't know that it's enough for the *whole* weekend, but it'll be a start... :D


Local peeps who I don't know and Tim and whomever else may be coming? But I'm not sure Hubby actually let anyone know our address. If you need it, please let one of us know. Not sure if Mike called Tim, but I happened to be out and about a couple weeks or so ago, and just happened to run into a friend of his in the middle of an empty parking lot and he needed a jump.


It was a freaky coincidence. I was hunting pokemon, and he's walking down the street and I assumed he was doing the same. Business park area after hours, lol. So when he got in my car, he said it was nice (it's not), and said his friend works on them, and had a bunch. So, I wrote down our addy and stuff and invited him and told him to tell Tim, but who knows.


Lincoln Evangelist
Trixie Vicious - Professional Pokémon Hunter for hire
-----Every class----Every Family-----
_______Competitive rates______


Hey, it's got me walking a little bit when the weather isn't too bad. And getting me gas mileage of about 9 mpg when the weather is bad. :p


Jeremi or Bill
Not sure which route you take, but if you go by this place before 7pm stop and get me some peaches. Like 1/2 bushel. Or a full bushel.!8m2!3d42.1744108!4d-86.3064051?hl=en

They are at Exit I-94 exit 39. It is the exit where you start to turn south as you approach lake Michigan.

They keep me regular..
Might be pushing it for us, but I'll make the stop if we there by 7pm. That's 200 miles away so we'd have to leave by 5pm. Hmm ... lol.


Lincoln Evangelist
Best I can offer driving through Wisconsin, is beer and cheese.. I suppose they're big on cranberries, but I don't think they are in season yet.... :)