A Michigan meet in September?

Bill... What time on Saturday do you want this horde to decend on you?

Lets make it 9 or so. I know some are coming in late Friday evening. My friend and I are early risers so we should be ready for the Hord to congregate around 8:30 or 9. And of course bring you appetite. Just my way of saying thank you to the greatest group of people I know.
It seems that all the hotels are non-smoking? I may be bringing a tent after all. :frown:

Ok, I can see you spending the night in a tent about as much as I can see myself doing the same thing... :p

Do you think "non-smoking" has ever stopped Sharon? :D Wanna split a room again?

Bill... What time on Saturday do you want this horde to decend on you?

If I'm able to make it, I'll be leaving Thurs night, so I'll be the drunk guy hanging out in your yard when you get home on Friday... :D

I sure hope you can, it wouldn't be the same without you!! :D

Thank you... :D :D :D
This is turning out to be a great meet!:)

I had no idea that so many could make it.:cool:

Please send me a pm if I missed sending you the address.
That would be so great! I can take pics of the swap for future use on the website, if it's needed ...

What's your fee?? :D

The fee is you take the photos and write the thread.:D

There's not a lot to it. It's only (about) 4 screws, 5 nuts, a bolt, and a bunch of wire connectors.:)
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John and I will be arriving around 8 p.m. Friday evening and then camping Friday and Saturday nights. We will need to head out sometime Sunday morning.
Will I be the only one drinking pop at this event? If not, I'd like to bring extra pop to share ... suggestions?

Also, want us to bring some cups? Hamburger/hot dog buns??
No, I am sure I will drink some pop as well as my friend John. We usually only drink a few beers then are done. I am also toying with the idea of bringing some wonderful Ohio Wines along for a beer and wine tasting. Any thoughts?
I've got plastic cups, paper plates and plasticware (single guy here :D).

If you want to bring the buns, I was just going to get some dogs, but I'll get some hamburger too.

Pop and wine sounds good too, bring what you want (I wouldn't know what's good there).

There is a grocery store on the island if we need anything.
Anyone up for some homemade tacos on Saturday? Ohio wine and Youngstown Beer check. Breakfast Check. Brats and maybe Knockwurst Check. Anything I forgot nope. "Two Schlubbs Cafe" grand opening Saturday September 18th 2010 Grosse Ile Michigan 9 a.m. FREE FOOD!!! to LOD Members and LOD Visitors alike. All outsiders must be proven worthy LOL!