A Michigan meet in September?

Saturday Festivity Suggestions:

These are just my ideas and up for debate. Dependant on time and weather too.

We could take a drive to the Lake Erie Metropark for some photos. It's about a 20 minute drive, and they might be still charging a few bucks. We should be able to find an empty section for photos though. Maybe the one I used by the lake for my 2008 calendar shot.:D

And/or we could take a lap of the Island. There's not much to see, Canada on one side, Michigan on the other.

You can see the Detroit skyline in the distance, from the Canadian side. I think you can even see the one place where Canada is south of the USA.

There's also some nice old houses, some nice new ones, and some regular houses to see.:fart

The river roads are 30 mph so it's just a slow easy cruise (cops).

The rest of the time we'll be hanging out in the back yard, by the fire, the front yard, the house, or, the adventurous types can take a walk through the woods, to the river.:D
Bill... you're the host. Whatever you want to do is fine. I think the things you have planned are perfect.
Plans sound fine with me. Just packing the van now. Headed out tomorrow. Have everything I said and might just throw in a surprise or two to change it up. Beer and wine tasting Saturday sometime.
Apparently my car will attend without me. So please take lots of pics and keep hubby under control. I'm really disappointed that I won't be seeing you all, sounds like it's going to be so much fun.
Sorry to hear you will not attend Sharon. Rest assured lots of pics and video will be taken. Hope you get better soon. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
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Awww... Bummer. :(

Get well soon.
I'm very sorry to hear that Sharon, take care of yourself.

We'll take care of Mike.:D

By the way, I forgot to tell everyone, please watch out for deer on the Island, they come out any time of the day around here.
I will be tenting it in your yard. Did a dry run with the tent and discovered I am short 2 stakes. Hopefully someone has 2 stakes I can use.
Mike, what kind you need plastic or metal? I can pick you up a few on my way out of town Friday morning. There is a place that has them available.