I need a place to sleep....

FWIW, I flew my son and his fiancée to CA and they drove the '96 back home cheaper than shipping would have cost me.

Well, at least it was cheaper until the unscheduled stop(s) along the way on dad's credit card. LOL :D
Lol JP...you know what...I should make it a Cannonball run type thing or like the BullRun TV show! :D
wow....I had no idea about this thread.

Jesse....you're buying the original "Got Boost" car????

awesome...I am curious to know what you're going to have to do to get through the smog laws out here.
man I LOVE that car...and I'm glad it's finally getting a home. It's been in foster care for quite some time now(lol)

I need to go back and read the rest of the pages to make sure I didn't miss anything.

get a hold of Jeremi....he bought Todd's 97 LSC last month and had it shipped Sacto to Mich, so he might have a good source/price.

good luck with this J

is it a done deal yet?(as far as purchased?)

man...a CHP in CA with a super-charged Mark VIII......friggin AWESOME!
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smog laws, all he has to do is expose the glock and smile them pearly whites at the inspection station! or just get the car inspected in full uniform lol.
Lol! I have an 04 cobra "H" that I'm getting cats off of and I talked to my SMOG guy who said it doesn't need to go to the ref because the engine is in the same family as the cobra so everything is legal. (cept the EGR delete) :D

We carry SnW 4006's. :)No taser mounts either, haha.
awesome deal...besides, the motor itself is of a "newer cast/build" than the model year, isnt it?

either way, it'll be all groovy when it's here.
I'd love to see it.
It's funny-among the Mark VIII community through the years, there have been a handful of iconic Mark VIII's. We've all seen them/heard of them. we'd all love to think ours was one of the icons in the Mark VIII community, but admit it-only a select few carried that 'status'

Moose was one
Billcu's friend with the convertible
JP's "Blue Flame"
and Jeremi's Boost car(s) have been on the list as well.

Now you're bringing one of them out west.
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The Blue Flame is iconic?

LOL, no way I ever thought my car to compete with the likes of Jeremi's builds, "Moose", "The Mark" and other icons of the Mark VIII community. Those icons are the ones I am inspired by. ;)
Yea but JP you have done amazing things with your car NA, and you actually race it which is pretty cool as well.
This is true Craig, I had tons of plans for my 95 but opted to pay off debt. I guarantee that had I not made the decision to pay off debt vs. put the 04 Cobra engine in my car I probably wouldn't have been able to buy my house in October or buy this car now. :)

It is a "teskid" block I think, with only 12k miles on it. It feels good to bring one over here to enjoy! :D

JP, your car is sweet I don't know what you're thinking! :) Don't forget road's silver frost and burbanks and Mikes!! Jamie's pollished up nice and then there was that twin turbo one that we never really got any details about.
I agree about JP's car. It's iconic because it is a FAST NA Mark VIII that he has had for years and has morphed it in to a true bracket/street car

Mike Schultz's super-power house is iconic too.

there's been plenty of memorable Mark VIII's that have crossed the pages here.

...and the way things are going, there will be many more to come.
Ok...resurrecting this post on behalf of Barry, his wife, and I. We are seriously contemplating coming to Carslile this year. We would like suggestions, options, etc...

So...we need a place to sleep, lol.

We need Mark 8's to drive to the show.

We would like to visit a few people, see the sights, etc. and have fun.

It's Barry and his wife's 25th anniversary and I'll be tagging along for the flight, Carslile and then head back home depending on what/where they decide to do after. They are planning on staying a week so we will see about me being the third wheel. :D

Some of my thoughts were: Eric, you live close to Boston and said I could stay. Joe, you live close to Boston and have multiple Mark's that would need to be driven to the show. Boston is a central place to you guys and also a sight to see.

I looked at flying into Harrisburg (near Carslile) and it's $136 for one way (if we fly back from a different town).

Mike...maybe we can do that ride-a-long? :wave: I know it's the Bronx but I'd probably learn something....wish I could carry though. :(

Sharon...don't you live near Carslile or something?? I remember something about tents....
Ok Sharon lives closer to Carlisle then you... in that Chicago is only 700 miles away... :p

People are welcome to fly into Boston and then come to Cape Cod :D

Yes, the grey car and the CE will be at Carlisle, plus we can always take CaddySax and even the mystery Land Titanic, but just keep in mind, however many cars go down, will need driver's for the return trip...

If we took my whole fleet down, we could pack all 3 big ass coolers... and pretty much the whole saxsystem... all 6400W of it... :D

Eric should drive his 95 too... :p
Mike...maybe we can do that ride-a-long? I know it's the Bronx but I'd probably learn something....wish I could carry though.

it's Brooklyn... and you have no idea...

Ask JP about the first time he got to hang out with us in NYC... :D

I'll tell you about the horse story at Carlisle... :D
So I'm near Chicago. It is I think around 700 miles, and I make it usually a 2 day trip there and a 1 full day trip home. We have either 2 or 4 people and 2 or 3 cars. I (as you know) haven't been up for doing the driving myself. Hubby can do the drive there in 1 day, I stop about 1/2 way (although I'll want to visit some people in Pittsburgh, or can drive home alone). I'm always an option, but we seriously don't have plans ironed out yet, plus I don't know what we're doing with the dog.