SSHS9 Southern Super Heavyweight Shootout 9

lol noon? You are going to miss out on some cool air and fast times. I will be passing through the parking lots Friday and Saturday night, but will probably not be drinking too much at all.

Cool air and fast times huh...

I may be going out on a limb here, but I think the Saxmobile will be extremely consistent no matter the temp... I never said fast mind you... just consistent... :D

I am kinda overseeing/running the SSHS9 event this year, and will be busy making sure everyone has a great time at the shootout.

I knew you'd be able to get me the good parking... :D

Spend your time worrying about other people (except for parking)... as you know, we alllllllways have a good time :D

Who am I? I am the old man in the Lincoln! :) Can you keep up with me? lol

I think we all assume that no... no I will not be able to keep up with you... :D
But I am happy to line up against you repeatedly to make sure you look extra fast going down the track... :D
(I don't need to look fast... I can look comfortable :D )

:D -J
Ok, I'm not sure there are (in fact I'm fairly certain there are not) any specialty Northern drinks anyone might want. Can you get Long Trail down there? Isaac turned me on to it, and if you don't hold that it's brewed in Vermont against it, it's pretty good... :D

Yes I'm posting here for the sake of my Vermont beer, but it will be over shortly...

Joe, alas the Long Trail isn't shipped farther south or west of PA/NJ....thus why I loaded my Mazda up with 3 cases before I headed out here a year ago. I've yet to see any since. But...if you happen to see 22 oz tankards of Long Trail's Imperial Stout with white labels at Kappy's, PLEASE let me know!!!
In other words...a cakewalk. :)

Without passengers it is. :p

I have developed a travel time formula over the years...



T=trip time with passengers
t=trip time with no passengers
n=total number of vehicle occupants. *

* Occupants under the age of 6 count double.

There are several further passenger modification factors that we won't go into here. Your mileage may vary. :p
Well, I definitely want to be there Saturday early, so Joe, you better leave me alone Friday night! ;)

However, I plan on partying like crazy once I don't have to race anymore.

Oh, I probably will need to add stuff to my trunk to make weight requirements. Can't remember what I weighed in at last time the car was weighed, but it was shy of 4000 lbs. However, since then I've gained weight, will have a full tank of gas this time, have new wheels and other things, so I have no clue what my baby and I will weigh in at, I just want to be prepared. Of course, if I race with my purse in the car, that adds about 100 lbs. ;)
Pretty cool! :cool:

I must've ended up on the editing room floor, LOL! Which is alright by me, they won't see me coming. Shhhhh... :p
BTW, I just noticed that I always refer to this event as the

"Super Southern" Heavyweight Shootout... :D

:D -J
So Mike... on a scale of 1 - 10...
How close are you to losing your mind? :D

:D -J
I'm planning on making the ride to commerce on saturday, had hoped to have my T-bird sold by now and be in a Mark VIII but alas the guy buying it hasn't gotten the money up yet. Would love to hook up with some of you guys and gals and check out yalls rides, and learn what I can about Mark VIII's and get some ideas on which Mark that I want 1st or 2nd gen.

C-yall nov 7
I'm planning on making the ride to commerce on saturday, had hoped to have my T-bird sold by now and be in a Mark VIII but alas the guy buying it hasn't gotten the money up yet. Would love to hook up with some of you guys and gals and check out yalls rides, and learn what I can about Mark VIII's and get some ideas on which Mark that I want 1st or 2nd gen.

C-yall nov 7

Glad to hear you are attending SSHS9! Please stop on by and join us! :) The Mark VIII's and one CaddySax usually park together, so it should not be too hard to find us. :)
If we get there early enough, we'll be there! :D

The weather forecast is looking great! :)
Same here, still no definite plans on when we'll be getting in. Extremely unprepared ;)
Are you ready for SSHS9? I am... :)



Here is another angle - one that my competition will see! Get use to it... lol :)
