What do you remember


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What do you remember growing up as a Kid?

I remember Winky Dink
I remember Sky King
I remember playing Cowboys & Indians
I remember playing with litte green army men
I saw

I saw

Skywritters writting "Pepsi Cola"
The first new car I ever saw - green 46 Ford coupe.
Ration books and Millls
VJ day
Montgomery Wards
Pop music of the day - Pistol Packin' Mama, Saber Dance, Shoo Fly Pie, and of course,
Bing Crosbys White Christmas

Winky Dink
my big wheel, voltron, GI Joe, rotary phones, tv without remotes

My Night Rider big wheel with a real light/sound AND a battery operated squirt gun! YES! I rode that thing until the wheel was flat from skidding in 4 spots. LOL!

GI Joe
Micro Machines (still have all mine too)
Hot Wheels (same with these)
We had a Zenith with a 3 button remote. :p
Being grounded a lot
Being mad at the 16 y/o bicycle helmet law
Putting pennies on the train tracks
Age don't matter with putting pennies on the train track..... only dif was the type of train that run over it!!. In my case it had a smokestack! LOL

RADIO!! (No TV) Amos 'n Andy - FBI At peace and War - Great Gildersleve - Jack Armstrong-All-American Boy

Walking everywhere or riding bicycles, then getting hurt riding bicycles over jumps! Then repairing bikes.

12 cent Movies on Saturday afternoon. Seating was boys on the right, girls on the left!

Playing with model cars in the big dirt piles and building roads, tunnels, etc.

Hiding in cornfield and smoking the cornsilk wrapped in newspaper.
Oh were to start.

G.I. Joe
Star Wars action figures (still have all mine)
Apple IIE
Captain Kangaroo
Mister Rodgers
Atari 2600

Being tossed around the backseat of my dad's Pinto when he went in a ditch.
Making faces at the cops while sitting in the back window of same car.

Model Rockets
Collecting eggs from my grandfathers chickens, ducks, geese and a turkey
My pet goat
Fishing with a cane pole
Cars without a/c and power windows
OMG...how could I forget Mister Rogers! Haha! What about Bill Nye the Science Guy? Where did he go?

Steve, whats up with your "quote" above your name?
I remember my older brother going to the drug store and buying mercury. It was fun to play with. You could put copper pennies in a bowl of the stuff and make silver pennies by rubbing it around. If you dropped some on the floor, it would break up into little "bubble' like pieces.

We also played with lead. We'd melt the lead then pour it into molds and make lead soldiers and cars that we could play with.

I remember bringing a rifle to high school because I belonged to the Gun Club.

Boy, have times changed. :(
I remember my older brother going to the drug store and buying mercury. It was fun to play with. You could put copper pennies in a bowl of the stuff and make silver pennies by rubbing it around. If you dropped some on the floor, it would break up into little "bubble' like pieces. :(

I used to play with that too. My Grandfather was a dentist and had a large bottle in his office. Hours of fun with my cousins. He also owned a large metal bowl that was for making cheese. One of us would sit in it while the other 2 spun it as fast as possible. Dizzy is not the word.
My Night Rider big wheel with a real light/sound AND a battery operated squirt gun! YES! I rode that thing until the wheel was flat from skidding in 4 spots. LOL!

GI Joe
Micro Machines (still have all mine too)
Hot Wheels (same with these)
We had a Zenith with a 3 button remote. :p
Being grounded a lot
Being mad at the 16 y/o bicycle helmet law
Putting pennies on the train tracks

J you forgot.
16 y/o looking at porn magazine.

When I was 16 I had the internet.
I used to play with that too. My Grandfather was a dentist and had a large bottle in his office. Hours of fun with my cousins. He also owned a large metal bowl that was for making cheese. One of us would sit in it while the other 2 spun it as fast as possible. Dizzy is not the word.

that explaines a lot ;)
Hot Wheels (Still got them)
Micro Machines (Lost them years ago)
Garbage Pail Kids
Fraggle Rock
Mask (Remember that cartoon?)
TV's with a dial
Bo Jackson "Bo knows (everything)"

Our first cable box.


Man this list could get real big.