What do you remember

Here you go.First cable box. :)

Speed Racer
Visiting the guy who lived alone in an old ramshackle house with my girlfriend
Riding my bike everywhere.
Oh please, times were so different back then. Turns out once my parents found out he had a race car (I wish I remember more) they told me to ask him to let them take a pic of my brother in the car.
When Atari was the "only one".

Riding in cars when seatbelts were not a must.We had a stationwagon and I would climb all over the place in that thing as my mom would drive around.

Riding in the back of the truck and waving to the cops.Same goes for the wagon.
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Marked_Man said:
I have an excellent memory...I remember going to the movies with my father and coming back with my mother.

Haha what!?

I remember using my shoe for a brake on my back tire of my bike and also running over a can to make the motorcycle sound.

I remember when my sister couldn't drive! :eek: