1st gen COPped car !

Sorry to bring it back, but i'm interested in wiring COPs to my 96 since i might be able to get the parts from the junkyard. Also i'm really curious what was used to plug the air silencer in the air box, or whatever that thing is called which i just broke off and have it ghetto with duct tape. I'd love to make it look nice, and i can just go get another one from the junkyard if i cant make mine look nice, but i still dont want that piece on there.
Get all your parts and then we'll walk you through the COP swap.

The easiest thing to do is just cut out pieces of the silencer you cut off (little triangle) and then glue them into both holes. I did this with one of mine, but I didn't plan ahead and didn't have enough room to cut out a big enough circle so I had to use a cap.

Haha, I didn't know somebody actually gave a damn ... good save !

I did things slightly different. Same principle though.

It's a gen2 PS bracket, came with the motor (out of the CE).

... oh and the reservoir is not new, it's just clean :big-grin:

It was the second and third sentences, that peaked my interest in reguards to the actual wiring.
Mine are still good to go and workin fine.

Mine are still good to go and workin fine.

I also used that post from way back from Madfirstgen and J's posts. Never had an issue. I think the only issue was some tables had to be copy and pasted to correct an RPM issue i had with mine at high RPM. But they basicly fire the same as with wires on the factory computer, so im guessing it shouldnt matter. They just flip flop instead of using two separate runs.