
Haha! Joe, that bout would make a good fire place. My friend has one with the front cut out and it looks like the Dig Dug guy.
still no power, but people are getting it back. at a neighbors who have a generator and using their wifi, will be done here at 5 pm et, but at least i get my work hours in today to get paid.
Well since I'm stuck at work due to all the traffic and flooding I'm able to get on here and see some updates.

My update: Power went out at 8:15PM on Sunday, still isn't back on. Estimate is Saturday the 3rd. What sucks about this is I take 287 to/from work but north is closed because of the collapse. I usually can just work from home and would all week probably since getting around is next to impossible :( I probably won't leave work till 7pm or so (got out at 4) in hopes that some of the highways aren't parking lots anymore... Oh well :( Glad everyone is OK!
Whoa....287 Nbound is closed???? I was planning on doing that Thursday around noon.... where's the collapse??

Right by I 80

I got power back yesterday just after 5 PM, but a lot of people i know are still in the dark. :frown:

They have to evacuate the town of walington tonight, the Passaic river is going to crest at a recored level :frown:
Leaving in the AM for upstate NY.... hopefully all the routes are clear.....only really worried about I-287 around NY in Jersey. Hear there's one section Northbound down to one lane due to a washout.
Google search of Irene.









:D what does the street sign say? any other "finds?"

How did the house and the DadSax CE fare the storm?

House and cars where all fine... It basically didn't rain here at all...
people were literally walking around with cocktails...
I was one of those people, except for the walking part... :D

You aren't "stealing", you are removing "road debris"

Technically I was removing beach debris... :D

scored :D

not scored :rolleyes:
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Where's the one you ganked from Carlisle?
Leaving in the AM for upstate NY.... hopefully all the routes are clear.....only really worried about I-287 around NY in Jersey. Hear there's one section Northbound down to one lane due to a washout.

287 is now fixed
FINALLY just got power back! Lost it a couple of hours into the storm. 6 days no power is not fun!